After admission, Fx of left femoral neck and distal radius was noted. Due to leukocytosis, severe hyponatremia, hypokalemia, conscious change. She was referred to internal medicine for further care. A/B:ceftriaxone was used. N/S, slow-K supplement was given. Conscious level got detter after E correction. She received OP Tx for fracture on 2/25.Post-OP condition was stable, pain control with ultracet. Conscious change, dysphagia, inroluntary movement happened on 2/27. She was transferred to ICU for further care. Brain CT showed negative finding. Neurologist was consulted,r/o post-stroke seizure. Dilantin was added.For pneumonia, antibiotic was shifted to ceftazidimet vancomycin,then tapimycin. Shock episode happened, then resolved after TX. She was transferred to ward after condition got stable. However,her conscious level was decreased. After discussing with neurologist, dilatin was cancelled. Piracetam was added for dementia. Dyspnea and conscious level got worse on 3/6,breathing sound showed diffuse wheezing.
cxR:pulmonary congestion lab showed elevated BNP level:2155.3
HSTEMI s/p cath study CHF
Pneumonia with septic shock episode
Anemia s/p blood transfusion